Artist Analysis

When writing or thinking about how to develop a response to an artist is is important you ask yourself a series of questions. The questions below are a starting point to help you develop your own personal response to any artist.


What do you think this picture is about?

Is there a theme to the picture? What do you think it is drawing attention to?

What idea could the artist be asking you to think about?



How does the artist draw attention to each part of the picture? (colour/scale etc)

Look at the way the picture is arranged (also called the composition) can you describe how the different parts work together?

Can you think why the artist chose to arrange the picture in this way?

Describe how the marks/colours/patterns etc have been used to create this picture


   What different materials has the artist used?

What did the artist do to make this picture?

Describe how you think the work was created


Describe how this picture affects you when you look at it.

What is the atmosphere like?

What is it about this picture that makes you feel this way?

What effect do the colour or composition have on you?

If this doesn’t affect you, what mood do you think the artist was trying to create and how have they done this?