Monday, 25 February 2013

GCSE Unit 1 Examples

Our hardworking GCSE students have produced some inspiring work based on their themes of natural forms, and independent study.

This work will be up for the exhibition at the end of the year but here's a sneak peek!

Monday, 18 February 2013

Year 9 GCSE Printmaking

Our Year 9 GCSE student have been developing their skills in printmaking over the past half term.

Their work will go on display for our end of year exhibition but here's a quick look at how they're getting on.

Monday, 11 February 2013

AS Unit 1 Examples

Some exciting artist responses to their independent unit 1 study. First year studying A Level, we think they've all worked really well.

The exhibition will be up at the end of the school year but for now here's a sneak peek.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Printmaking key stage 3

Looking at our artists  and seasons in key stage 3, some beautiful prints have been produced using Lino, polystyrene and block printing inks. 

Some have been put up for display in our art rooms but have a look below at some stunning examples.

Well done to years 7 and 8. 


Friday, 1 February 2013

Art Exam Released TODAY

Reminder to GCSE and A Level students...

Please come into Art and pick up your exam paper if you weren't in the lesson as soon as possible.

Exams are only 5 weeks away!